The City Plaza PHP

The Code

You can get the code from the project repo


To get started add the lib folder to your project and include the the_city.rb file.

require_once 'path/to/.../lib/the_city.php'



// First param is your church's subdomain key.
// Second param is whether or not to cache the data.
the_city = new TheCity('mychurch', false);

// Set group nickname to pull plaza items for.

Load Topics

$array_of_topic_titles = $the_city->topics()->titles();

// by default will grab 10 topics.
$topics = $the_city->topics();

// limit the amount of topics fetched from The City.
$topics = $the_city->topics(3);

// Get topic.
$topic = $topics->select(2);

Load Events

$array_of_event_titles = $the_city->events()->titles();

// by default will grab 10 events.
$events = $the_city->events();

// limit the amount of events fetched from The City  
$events = $the_city->events(3);

// Get event.
$event = $events->select(2);

Load Prayers

$array_of_prayer_titles = $the_city->prayers()->titles();

// by default will grab 10 prayers.
$prayers = $the_city->prayers();

// limit the amount of prayers fetched from The City  
$rayers = $the_city->prayers(3);

// Get prayer
$prayer = $prayers->select(2);

Load Needs

$array_of_need_titles = $the_city->prayers()->titles();

// by default will grab 10 needs
$needs = $the_city->needs();

// limit the amount of needs fetched from The City   
$needs = $the_city->needs(3);

// Get needs
$need = $needs->select(2);


$array_of_album_titles = $the_city->albums()->titles();

// by default will grab 10 albums
$albums = $the_city->albums();

// limit the amount of albums fetched from The City  
$albums = $the_city->albums(3);

// Get event
$album = $albums->select(2);